Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

ENVION-Новости проекта Envion


Что такое Envion?

Envion (ENV) - это недавно запущенный криптографический 1 декабря. Это будет иметь предзаказ в размере 0,70 доллара за монету. В ближайшие две недели цена вырастет до 1,00 доллара за монету. Он будет иметь рост не менее 161% каждый год после этого, а это означает, что если вы инвестируете в Envion всего 8000 долларов, его стоимость будет превышать 140 долларов США,
000 всего за пять лет! Это только минимальный темп роста в год каждый год!
Специальная ENV на дороге добывается, через специальную станцию, созданную по всему миру на ветряных мельницах и солнечных батареях производства энергии. Цена на солнечную энергию настолько сильно упала из-за неиспользованной возобновляемой энергии.

Envion решила воспользоваться этим изменением и получить энергию непосредственно из самой культуры, уменьшив затраты энергии в десять раз и принеся ценность своих монет.
ENV будет распространяться только самой компанией с максимальной ценой в 150 000 000 евро, которая будет продаваться, что будет контролировать колебания цены на монету.
Из-за ограниченного количества монет он будет приносить значение ENV каждый год.

ENV будет распространяться среди 4 сторон.
83% пойдут потребителям-потребителям, просто нормальные обычные люди - - - - - - 10% пойдут к основателям Envion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5% пойдут в резерв для компании - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2% будет щедростью.
Вы можете найти эти статистические данные на сайте www.envion.org.
После первоначального освобождения заработка 100% всех заработанных денег вернется к разработке ENV (9%) и к массовому производству Mobil Mining Units (91%), который никогда ранее не видел способ добычи , это запатентованный дизайн, где они могут размещать горные подразделения в любом месте, которое они так хотят. Масштабируемость их добычи в огромных объемах. Способ изготовления контейнеров позволяет им укладываться друг на друга, чтобы иметь больше мин в одной заданной арии, что позволяет использовать больше мин с меньшим размером основания и меньше квадратных метров, необходимых для хранения всех шахт.

Envion считает, что «энергетические сети следующего поколения должны быть интеллектуальными, динамическими системами, соединяющими устаревшие электростанции с широкомасштабными возобновляемыми источниками энергии и сетями распределенных производителей и потребителей энергии». Именно с этим они работают каждый день, они хотят сейчас революционизировать криптовалютная игра, но также способ использования и производства энергии. Мобильный горнодобывающий блок (MMU) - это то, как мы собираемся туда добраться, с его рентабельностью, ремонтопригодностью, расширяемостью и оптимизацией до охлаждения, заманивает добычу в будущее. Зачем смотреть, как так много людей вокруг вас становятся богатыми из-за знания истинного потенциала криптовалюты, когда у вас есть этот шанс прямо перед вами, все, что требуется, - это небольшие инвестиции, чтобы навсегда изменить вашу жизнь.


Гибкость системы MMU помогает нам объединить два из наиболее важных секторов 21-го века: технология blockchain и возобновляемые источники энергии. Используя динамику экспоненциального роста для обоих, мы содействуем сохранению климата и благосостояния наших держателей карт. Это физическое воплощение духа блочной цепочки: надежная и децентрализованная система, которая может противостоять перебоям в государственной политике, ценовых структурах и энергоснабжении.

Окружающая среда решения, которая она предлагает, обладает всеми необходимыми конкурентными преимуществами, следует децентрализованному подходу и предоставляет права голоса для опыта, который находился под давлением из-за концентрации горной энергетики.

· Чрезвычайно мобильная: мы разрабатываем чрезвычайно мобильное горное решение, размещенное в стандартизированных контейнерах CSC. Готов к развертыванию «plug-and-play» на любом источнике питания.

· Доступ к низкой стоимости энергии: крах цен на солнечные батареи вызвал крах цен на электроэнергию на фотогальванических установках по всему миру. Наши горные подразделения могут монетизировать практически свободные локальные избыточные мощности.

· Удаленное обслуживание: наша современная платформа управления интеллектуальными устройствами объединяет все устройства в децентрализованную глобальную сеть с использованием избыточных спутниковых соединений 4G.

· Запатентованная система охлаждения: более чем в 40 раз эффективнее традиционных центров обработки данных: с использованием запатентованной системы охлаждения мы достигаем беспрецедентной энергоэффективности.

ICO начнется 1 декабря 2017 года, выпуская 124 500 000 токенов по цене 1 доллар США. На своем веб-сайте они установили годовую целевую доходность 161%.

Команда, базирующаяся в Швейцарии, является группой энтузиастов и экспертов в области разработки криптовалютов, которая работает над проектом с 2015 года.


Белая книга - https://www.envion.org/en/whitepaper/


Hey guys, saya akan memperkenalkan tentang Proyek Gmt berikut ini adalah penjelasannya:


Tujuan dari White Paper ini adalah untuk menyajikan OR Realitit dan tanda GMT kepada pemegang token potensial sehubungan dengan usulan ICO. Informasi yang tercantum di bawah mungkin tidak lengkap dan tidak menyiratkan unsur-unsur hubungan kontraktual. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memberikan informasi yang relevan dan masuk akal kepada pemegang token potensial agar mereka dapat menentukan apakah akan melakukan analisis menyeluruh terhadap perusahaan dengan maksud untuk memperoleh Token GMT. Tidak ada satu pun dalam White Paper ini yang dianggap merupakan prospektus dalam bentuk apapun atau permintaan untuk investasi, juga tidak berkenaan dengan penawaran atau ajakan untuk membeli sekuritas di wilayah hukum manapun. Dokumen ini tidak disusun sesuai dengan, dan tidak tunduk pada, undang-undang atau peraturan dari yurisdiksi manapun, yang dirancang untuk melindungi investor. Token produk bukan mata uang digital, keamanan, komoditas, atau jenis instrumen keuangan lainnya dan belum terdaftar berdasarkan Securities Act, undang-undang sekuritas dari negara bagian manapun atau undang-undang sekuritas di negara lain, termasuk undang-undang sekuritas dari yurisdiksi mana pemegang token potensial adalah penduduk. GMT token tidak dapat digunakan untuk tujuan selain yang disediakan dalam White Paper ini, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada, investasi, spekulasi atau keperluan keuangan lainnya. GMT Token tidak memberikan hak lain dalam bentuk apapun, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada kepemilikan, distribusi (termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, keuntungan), pelunasan, likuidasi, properti (termasuk semua bentuk kekayaan intelektual), atau hak finansial atau legal lainnya. 


GMT Token adalah token berbasis Ethereal yang berhak untuk membeli dan memperdagangkan Kapasitas Pertambangan Cryptocurrency, atau Processing Power ("Hash Rate") dengan harga diskon di situs Global Mining Platform yang disediakan oleh OR Realbit. GMT akan memberikan diskon kumulatif dan meningkat saat membeli Harga Hash yang berbeda untuk beberapa kripto daya. Token akan memberikan potongan harga untuk pembelian Hash Rates of choice (misalnya BTC / BCH / LTC / etc).

Hash Rate: Tingkat hash adalah unit pengukuran kekuatan pemrosesan jaringan Bitcoin. Jaringan Bitcoin harus melakukan operasi matematika intensif untuk tujuan keamanan. Ketika jaringan mencapai tingkat hash 10 Th / s, itu berarti bisa menghasilkan 10 triliun kalkulasi per detik. (https://bitcoin.org/en/vocabulary) Platform Pertambangan Global ("GMP"): ATAU pasar / situs Realbit untuk pembelian dan perdagangan nilai hash. Awalnya akan menampilkan BTC / BCH Hash Rates, maka kita akan menerapkan LTC, ETH dan lain-lain sesuai permintaan populer. Hash Rates akan dapat diperdagangkan dan dapat dikonversi satu sama lain. Token Launch berarti penjualan awal ke publik dari token GMT. Token Issue berarti pelepasan batch spesifik token GMT. Tanggal ICO: Token akan ditawarkan pada pra-penjualan selama 30 hari mulai tanggal 1 November 2017. Tanggal ICO adalah tanggal 1 Desember, 2017 dan penjualan batch berikutnya akan berlangsung setiap bulan sampai April 2018. Akan ada 3 batch setelah penjualan pra-penjualan berlangsung satu bulan masing-masing, yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Maret 2018. Penawaran akan terbuka untuk umum di seluruh dunia. Token Pre-Sale Volume: 20 juta GMT (1mm USD) Tanggal mulai penjualan awal: 1 November 2017 12:00 PM PDT Tanggal penjualan pra-penjualan: 30 November 2017 12:00 PM PDT ICO Tanggal Mulai: 1 Desember, 2017 12:00 PM PDT


Proyek GMT mulai ada dari kemitraan usaha patungan antara orang-orang di balik OR Blockchain Investments, yang menawarkan struktur dan kendaraan investasi yang dikelola agar dunia dapat berinvestasi di pasar dan instrumen kriptografi dan RealBit Mining, distributor resmi Bitmain dan penyedia datacenter utama dan penyedia dari tingkat hash, yang bergabung untuk menciptakan OR-RealBit.

GMP bertujuan untuk menciptakan, memfasilitasi dan memelihara pasar global untuk tingkat hash sebagai aset investasi. Toket tingkat hash akan dijual pada awalnya, kemudian bebas diperdagangkan di platform buku pesanan kami. Token GMT akan berfungsi sebagai fasilitator yang menawarkan diskon kumulatif pada token tingkat hash yang dijual melalui GMP.

ATAU RealBit akan dapat memberikan tingkat hash atau kekuatan pemrosesan di semua kripto yang paling populer di pasar. Selain itu, juga melalui Platform Pertambangan Global, memberikan kemampuan bagi pemegang token untuk menjual dan mentransfer token nilai hash mereka satu sama lain dan pihak ketiga. Jika pemegang menggunakan tanda GMT untuk membeli token tingkat hash, maka Token GMT akan dibekukan sampai mereka menjual token tingkat hash tersebut.

Token GMT akan menjadi token pertama dan satu-satunya yang memungkinkan pemegang untuk masuk dan keluar dari investasi pertambangan kriptokokal setiap saat dengan biaya murah dan menguntungkan melalui diskon agresifnya.


Peralatan pembelian mungkin merupakan penghalang terbesar untuk masuk ke Pertambangan Bitcoin. Kita membutuhkan investasi yang cukup besar seiring dengan koneksi terkuat ke produsen peralatan. Begitu kondisi ini terpenuhi, mungkin harganya jutaan untuk membangun datacenter tingkat atas dan mengharuskan para ahli bekerja 24/7 untuk mempertahankan operasi yang menguntungkan.


Untuk video instruksional lengkap, lihat situs web kami http://globalminingtoken.com/howitworks

The GMT Token menyediakan diskon kumulatif pada token tingkat hash di Global Mining Platform. Semakin banyak pembeli GMT membeli diskon yang lebih besar

Hash Rate per Second Measures Gigahash = (1000 * 10⁹) atau 1 Miliar hash per detik Terahash = (10¹² hash) atau 1 Triliun hash per detik Petahash = (10¹⁵ hash) atau 1 hash Quadrillion per detik Exahash = (10¹⁸ hash) atau 1 Quintillion hash per detik

Setiap GMT token mewakili hak untuk membeli Hash Rate Tokens dengan harga diskon. Contoh: Token Price 0.05 Dollar

Setiap Hash Rate Token (BTCgh) mewakili 1 gH / s nilai hash dikurangi biaya energi dan logistik dan biaya sewa.

Hash Rate Revenue: Pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari pertambangan mata uang pilihan Anda Biaya Energi Efektif: Biaya energi yang dibayarkan untuk menambang mata uang Anda dari

Model Pendapatan Token BTCgh Hash Rate + Pendapatan Tingkat Hash - Biaya Listrik Efektif - Biaya Logistik dan Pemeliharaan - Biaya Sewa (15% dari Nilai Bersih) = Pembayaran

Real Life Real Life Contoh: Tanggal: 10/15/2017 BTC Harga: 5700 USD Kesulitan: 1,196,792,694,099 Tingkat Hash: 1 Terahash / s (1000 Token BTCgH)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

FORTY SEVEN-Creating a modern universal bank is good for users of cryptocurrencies

Forty Seven is a unique project built to create a modern universal bank both for users of cryptocurrencies and adherents of the traditional monetary system; a bank that will be acknowledged by international financial organisations; a bank that will correspond to all the requirements of regulators.

A team of professionals from the worlds of banking, finance, and IT with expertise and experience in the creation and licensing of payment systems, and building of electronic financial institutions will work to realise the goals of the project.

Our bank will become the biggest structure that corresponds to all the requirements of regulators and the EU Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). We will comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies in order to guard against agents of the “grey” market.

Forty Seven is based on three principles: relevance, convenience, and security. Our specialists use up-to-date technological developments such as blockchain, biometrics, smart contracts, machine learning and many others. If you are interested in the specific details of our establishment and creation of a hi-tech bank.

Forty Seven Mission

The mission of Forty Seven Bank and management team is to provide safe, innovative and user-friendly financial services and products to our customers – individuals, businesses, developers, traders, financial and governmental institutions.

Forty Seven Bank is a bridge capable of connecting two financial worlds and establishing efficient communication between them, a communication that will open up possibilities to level up the whole modern financial system.

Forty Seven Vision

Forty seven believe that after PSD2 directive comes into force in the beginning of 2018, the future of EU financial sector will change significantly. Forty Seven Bank system will be developed in accordance to upcoming regulatory framework from the early stages – it will give Forty Seven Bank competitive advantage in terms of time and costs. This is a significantly beneficial aspect prior to the traditional banking which has to impose reorganisational procedures in order to meet new standards.

The big portion of financial sector market share will be shifted to financial technology start-ups that will be able to oer and provide unique products and services together with high-quality customer and technological support. We aregoing to take the leading position among these start-ups and become one ofthe pioneers in the changing financial world.

Our Value

1. Transparency
2. Financial stability
3. Effectiveness and user firendly procedures
4. Security and privacy (data protection)
5. Innovativeness
6. Customer satisfaction
7. Market share growth and worldwide expansion
8. Profit for all stakeholders

Forty Seven Is Innovative products for everyone

  1. The featured product is a Multi-Asset Account for private customers with a tied card.
  2. Remote identification and authorisation based on passport and biometric data
  3. Unique combination of payment tools – SWIFT, credit and debit cards, e-wallets, secured cryptocurrency payments
  4. Transactions with any type of cryptocurrency through the bank’s application and with no need to wait for current exchanges. Uploading, withdrawal, and conversion by any pair is available
  5. Wide range of services including crediting, insuring, invoice presentation, credit/debit card management etc.
  6. Cross-platform access for clients to manage accounts opened with any European bank that complies with the PSD2 directive
  7. Convenient and user-friendly UI
  8. Analysis that helps a client to make the right financial decisions via services of a personal manager created on the basis of machine learning algorithms

Forty Seven is Propositions for business

  1. Business products oriented towards small and medium-sized enterprises.
  2. Managing an account via Application Programming Interface (API), creation of financial applications
  3. Receiving payments from a merchant in both cryptocurrencies and in fiat money on the company’s account (card, SWIFT) using a form or API
  4. Mass payouts for marketplaces
  5. Loyalty management for clients using big data
  6. Factoring services based on the operation of machine learning and big data (artificially intelligent algorithms able to predict the probability of repayment of credit as well as timeliness of repayment from a company)
  7. Escrow services
  8. Mobile application with biometric identification for multi-currency transactions
Tools and services for external developers

  1. Opportunity to provide Forty Seven banking services under your own brand (white label)
  2. API access that allows the development and implementation of modern financial services based on Forty Seven infrastructure and processes
  3. Holding DevDays conferences for independent developers
  4. A showcase of financial applications using Forty Seven API

Products for Private Persons
Account Management : Forty Seven Bank clients will have a lot of possibilities related to account management. Having access to just one application, a customer will have access to all his accounts in dierent banks at one place  it will be easy to manage personal finance in such a way. Besides that, a client is going to have access to all his crypto wallets, investments in traditional financial assets (stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.) and credit or debit cards. This is a featured product oered by the bank and it is called a “Multi Asset Account”. The product will reduce complexities of using dierent types of assets by centralising all the financial activities of our private customers at our single system. It will be easy to quickly transfer resources from one fiat currency to another, or from fiat currency to a digital currency, or vice versa. Moreover, transaction costs will be reduced substantially by doing that at Forty Seven Bank. Our App Platform will also allow clients to use several analytical applications that might help in personal finance management.

Invoicing : Forty Seven Bank will support its customers who are oering small products and services as individuals without having a company. Such individuals might be freelancers, copywriters, developers, translators, handcraft professionals, etc. The bank will provide user friendly and simple invoicing services for such customers. By using the service, a client will be able to automatically issue invoices and receive both fiat and nonfiat funds to cover them.
Deposits and Loans : The bank will oer deposits and loans in traditional fiat currencies like EUR, USD and others, as well as in non-fiat digital currencies like BTC, ETH and others. At the moment, there is no financial institution in the world that is oering similar products in non-fiat digital assets, whereas we see that there is huge potential in developing and introducing classic banking products for non-fiat digital currencies.

Investments and Brokerage : Individual clients will have opportunities to create and manage their investment portfolio by using investment and brokerage services provided by Forty Seven Bank. The bank is going to develop its own exchange in addition to partnering exchanges that could be connected to by using Forty Seven Bank platform via API.
Other Services : The bank will also oer traditional products and services like insurance, payments and transfers, payment history and analysis, cash withdrawals at Forty Seven Bank Smart ATMs, as well as at ATMs of our partnering banks. Additionally, Forty Seven Bank will provide smart support with integrated machine learning technologies to our individual customers — it will help to resolve issues between the bank and its customers in evective way.

Features and technologies

Based on the possibilities of the banking and cryptocurrency industries, we will take the best of the two spheres using innovative and proven technologies in the fields of finance, analytics, and data security.

Forty Seven Bank will provide open, flexible and well-documented API covering the majority of banking services. We will launch our own financial application platform that uses our API. By attracting clients and external developers, we plan to turn it into an efficient ecosystem with constantly growing value.

Application of smart contracts to automate financial processes, thereby enabling us to make deals and give credits with no risk of fraud. The implementation of machine learning technology will allow the creation of a personal manager to foresee all wishes of the client. A virtual interlocutor will assist in the reallocation of cash flows and will provide timely current financial information.

Biometric technologies and blockchain will enable users to open an account distantly and access it via smartphone and ATM without using a card. In combination with cryptographic encryption, these developments will provide increased security of personal and payment data.

Forty Seven Token

What is a Forty Seven Token: 

It’s a token that represents a part in Forty Seven Bank’s infrastructure and grants the wielder a priority place in the bank’s loyalty program. Holders of FSBT tokens have the right to receive yearly bonuses in the form of FSBL — Forty Seven Bank loyalty tokens. Besides that, FSBT tokens are a crucial economic part of Forty Seven Bank’s ecosystem — they will be needed in order to access the full range of products and services. After the crowdfunding campaign is finished, FSBT tokens will be available for trade at various cryptocurrency exchanges.

What is a token used for:
 20% of the bank’s annual net profit will be invested into the loyalty program. Using smart contracts, each FSBT token holder will be able to receive their FSBL tokens based on the amount owned and afterward, exchange the FSBT tokens for different goods offered by the loyalty program (electronics, household items, airplane tickets, banking services, insurances, etc.). All FSBT token holders will receive the right to participate in Forty Seven Bank’s yearly crypto community development program and decide which projects will be supported by the bank and its shareholders.
Abbreviation: FSBT.
Control over emission: is provided by the system of interconnected smart contracts.
Rate: Fixed, value of one token — 0.0047 ETH.
Maximum amount of tokens to be generated: 55 319 149 FSBT (incl. bonus tokens, tokens for bounty and founders).
Minimum budget to start the project: 18 000 ETH (5M EUR).
Hardcap: 180 000 ETH (50M EUR).
Accepted cryptocurrencies on ICO: ETH, BTC.
ICO round 1: November 16 — December 16, 2017.
ICO round 2, 3: Q1 2018 (TBD).
How To Participate On Forty Seven
1. You must Register / login at here : https://my.fortyseven.io/login?redirect_url=%2F

2. Complete the registration.
Road Map

Token Distribution
Forty Seven Listed On 

Detail Information :

Biometrids-Platform that can solve identity problems on blockchain.

A new platform is built to make it easier to recognize the face of car device users. as well as a platform that can solve identity problems on blockchain.
The Biometrids Platform lets people identify themselves with others who use facial recognition on their phones. Using a distributed ledger that does not change, everyone in the chain is unique. One face means one ID, and each unique ID. If you are recorded in that chain once, you will never be able to manipulate that ID again or copy that ID. This will prevent identity theft and fraud, and will also ensure users are those they say.
Token Sale

Token name is IDS.

There will be a total of 100,000,000 IDS.
  1. 5% will be sold in pre-ICO.
  2. 5% for prizes and advisors.
  3. 70% will be sold crowdsale.
  4. 10% for the team.
  5. 10% for foundation.
Pre-ICO will run for one week and the price is 910 IDS / 1eth. Crowdsale will run for four weeks and the price will be:
  1. Week 1: 665 IDS / 1eth
  2. Week 2: 550 IDS / 1eth
  3. Week 3: 500 IDS / 1eth
  4. Week 4: 450 IDS / 1eth
Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until the end date, or until all the coins are sold.

10% for the team and 10% for the foundation will be locked up for three years.
Any unsold coins during ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be resold to the initial investor in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on the exchange.
APIs and Systems

We are building a platform that can be implemented by other blockchain projects. This could be a wallet, a bank, a company, a real estate partner, and more. If wallet developers want to use this system, they just apply the API; After that, you can use your face to get into your wallet and you will be able to pay it directly. The day shop has applied a lot of wallets, so it's very easy to make payments. Just scan your face and receive the requested payment. And off you go.
The same process will be used for public services. If you are stopped by the police, then simply scan your face and they can read your SIM on their device. The list of opportunities continues and continues.
Detail Information:

ERISTICA-P2P For Challenges

Welcome successful people who will join and partner with a platform that has existed since 2015.
Since time immemorial, people have made a bet. One of the earliest bets known to mankind is made by Cleopatra and Mark Antony. In this story, wins the queen that she can drink wine that consumes 10 million sesterces in one meal. So, he dispersed 10 million sesterice worth of pearls into a glass of wine and drank it he gulped! Legend has it that Cleopatra won this bet.
The opening short story above is the history of the first bet in the world. The story will begin the discussion of this platform.

Eristika or P2P platform is a revolutionary that encourages participation in the challenges and challenges of online competition The project was launched in 2015 and has gained over 1.2 million users.
Eristika is a universal platform, where every member of the community benefits from the synergies created within the ecosystem.


The core of this project is the ability to digitize the industry coupled with the democratization and unification of all business processes on the platform. The platform presents offline challenges online with the help of a convenient interface. Challenges will be made according to a uniform set of rules whilst betting terms will be confirmed in a smart contract and executed automatically.

Financial indicators and costs in the Betting and Challenge industries are not uniform and sometimes the difference may be exorbitant. Bets are usually charged on bets or brokers, which means the cost can go up to 20%.

For example, platforms with challenges among young people charge 10% while online competition and eSports charge 5-10%.

It is said that Eristika set a bet for all types of bets, challenges, and competition, ie 3%. This will definitely be the standard in the industry and create a stream of customers from more expensive platforms.

Eristika will also create platforms where different types of people can interact with each other to create a synergy level in the process. Thus everyone is expected to benefit from this paradigm. Creators of the crypto project get access to new active audiences, independent developers get platforms, where they can apply their ideas.


At the current development stage, the project extension mainly covers the region of Southeast Asia and India where we target the demographics of the same people among whom 13-35 years with the same interest areas. Starting with 2018, local manufacturers will pre-install the Eristica app on a new smartphone. The growth potential of the Cooperation is targeting around 500,000 new users in the first quarter of 2018. The Eristica project is the gateway to the crypto industry world for a community-minded and committed audience of projects.

FunTech market
Internet entertainment penetration in the entertainment industry creates a new market called FunTech, similar to FinTech (Financial Technologies) or BioTech (Biological Technology). This market became one of the largest and fastest growing industry in the Internet. YouTube audiences reach more than 1.5 billion registered users and are still growing every day. On average, users spend 40 minutes a day just watching YouTube videos.

The online video market in 2017 for the Asian Region is estimated to be worth $ 13 billion. Part of the challenge video is about 4% or $ 510 million. It is estimated that by 2021, the entire online video market will cost $ 35 billion, with $ 1.4 billion for each video-sharing of challenges.

Purpose and Characterization
The main mission of the Eristica project is to create a full-fledged economic crypto in Indonesia's digital entertainment space where tokens are the ultimate tool for all interactions in the digital ecosystem. Eristica intends to use crypto to make democratizing economic challenges, including creation, participation and rewards for more efficient, fair and affordable challenges.

Etymica Utility Token
Tokens from the Eristika platform in the form of ERT that will allow users to participate in bets even with celebrities, are rewarded for winning successful challenges and predictions.


Detail Information :

  • Website :https://eristica.com/
  • Ann thread :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2473473
  • Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/eristica/
  • Twitter :https://twitter.com/EristicaApp
  • Telegram :https://t.me/eristicachat


Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

Verify-Credentials and Identity Using Blockchain

WHAT IS Verif-y?

Verification is the process of determining the truth of a statement by using empirical methods. Scientific test for a statement or proposition to confirm the truth. Understanding data verification is the establishment of the truth of a theory, or facts of data collected. In the verification data usually the data collected will be processed and then analyzed to be tested with the hypothesis.

The hypothesis was then tested using empirical facts of scientifically correct answers. Process of data verification or data completion for relevant data for. In this case, the data included is empirical thinking which is done after rational thinking is completed until the hypothesis. The process of data verification starts from the observation in the field of data data, that is information that can be accounted for. The data in question can be quantitative data 
(number of numeric sizes) or qualitative data (good, medium, less).

Without true and accurate data, it could be a clue to a false hypothesis testing that something is wrong. Therefore, the data tools used (data) and the source data for the data (example) must be appropriate for the data data. Therefore the VERIF-Y company offers a platform to facilitate data usage. the necessary verification is difficult and inefficient, and this will also be done in all forms that are safe and secure for all activities related to verification. For users of this facility cover all areas such as individuals, organizations, governments, employers and others

And this is also one of the videos that provide clear benefits when you want to join and invest in this project that must have been handled by people who are very experienced in their field, especially in deepening verification of science, and also good marketing. For the future your money invests to be safe and fast growing because the project uses a method that utilizes blockchain technology with a contract system intelligent.

The token token purchase can be seen on the official website along with the roadmap at a price that is still relatively cheap because it is still in the promotion stage. After that you can can use this token to be a coin that can be sold directly or in trading on the market that will be told later after the program will end.

That is a small review of the VERIF-Y company that is working on a very useful program in data verification. For more complete and accurate information please visit LINK below if you are interested in working on this project.
The Verif-y platform uses the Next-Generation Defense-in-Depth methodology to support and ensure the first end-to-end validation in education, employment, licensing, certification and member trust and digital identity. The key to digital identities generated by the High Verification process, given the identity it generates organically - consists of unique identification data, stored in blockchain and the results of a new paradigm for securely obtaining and accessing PII. It can be used for identification purposes outside the labor and education markets, such as online login authentication, formal identification (ID), physical access and many more applications.

The Verif-y app and its support platform have been running since April 2017 and are available for download on iOS and Android devices.
Since identity is one of the cornerstones of successful and existing blockchain implementation in many industries, strong Verif-y identity and identity solutions can be an important part of this fundamental global transformation.


Pre-sales will begin on 14 September 2017, 17:00 UTC.
The crowd will start on 5th October 2017, 17:00 UTC.

Early Bird Bonus: 20% - 30% depending on size
Max number of tokens; 3,000,000,000 VFY
Max tokens are sold through pre-sale and crowdsale; 1,000,000,000,000 VFY
Are you interested in this project?

Detail Information :

Official Website :

Whitepaper :

Telegram :

Facebook :

Twitter :